Electoral Commission

Transparency. Fairness. Integrity


+233 (0) 30 396 8750

exhibition of voters' register

The display of the Provisional Register takes place at all polling stations. During the exhibition period, the registers are placed at centers for voters to verify their details as captured during the registration exercise. Voters have the privilege to request for amendment, replacement of poor quality or damaged voter identification cards or make insertions of names where necessary.

In addition, qualified persons are given the opportunity to raise objection to names of unqualified persons (the deceased, minors and non-citizens) on the Provisional Voter’s Register at the centers. The exercise is conducted in accordance with Regulation 23(1) of C.I 91.


The Legal framework – Regulation 23 of C. I. 91

Compilation of provisional voters’ register

The Commission shall, not later than three months from the end of the registration period, compile and display the provisional voters’ register in the country, stating the name, age, sex, residential address and showing the photograph of each person whose application for registration was accepted at a registration centre.


Exhibition Procedures

The display of the Provisional Voters Register usually takes place at the polling stations, designated as Exhibition Centres, where the voters were registered.

During the period of exhibition, the provisional register is placed at the Exhibition Centre for prospective voters to verify their details as captured during the registration exercise and make requests for amendments or inclusion where necessary.

Requests that could be made at the Exhibition Centres include:

  • Inclusion of omitted names
  • Objection to names of deceased voters on the register
  • Replacement of poor quality or damaged voter ID cards.
  • Change of names
  • Change of wrong registration Centre codes
  • Amendments to registration details as a result of clerical error.


All requests made at the Exhibition Centres will be recorded on the Commission’s certified exhibition forms and the provisional register. At the close of the Exhibition period, the completed exhibition forms and the provisional registers are within three days sent to the District Office of the Commission to be processed, after determination has been made by the District Registration Review Officer and updated for the production of the final voters register.

Regulation 26(4) the District Registration Review Officer(DRRO) is a lawyer of not less than 3 years standing, preferably resident in the district of the district Magistrate to determine the procedures for settling claims and objections and make a decision.

Regulation 26(7) the Electoral Commission shall give effect to the decisions of the DRRO within 14 days after the person making the claim has been informed. An appeal against the decision of the DRRO could be sent to the High Court.


Registers and Lists Displayed

The lists displayed include the following:-

  • Exceptions List- This list contains the names of registered voters who have been excluded from the Provisional Register on grounds of disqualification; registration outside the stipulated time.
  • Multiple Registration List- This list contains the names and photographs of persons who have registered more than once.

Requests and claims 

For Exhibition, requests on certain categories of amendments or changes to voter details (including photographs), which are made at Exhibition Centres, will require that the voter ,makes a follow-up to the District Office for biometric authentication of his/her identity before the changes can be effected in the National Voter Register Database.